Pequeños progresos diarios son la clave para conseguir asombrosos resultados a medio y largo plazo.

How to do correctly abdominals?

  Following the advice they give us in the above video, we will improve our abdominal exercises and so will better help us get what we want without any injury effect. And you never forget, "love is power"

Good life with sport

   When we talk about sports most people will be going through your head the gym or expecíficas tracks for sports , but also can play sports on the beach, on the avenue or even at home .


 La ropa deportiva, es aquella que usamos cuando vamos a hacer algún deporte o un ejercicio o simplemente por comodidad. Por ejemplo, sería muy incómodo ir a hacer deporte en vaqueros o en tacones.
 Ante todo, debes considerar qué tipo de deporte harás, para así poder elegir la ropa más adecuada. Porque un traje para alguien que hace natación no es lo mismo que para alguien que esquí, son de diferentes materiales y diferentes modelos, cada uno adaptado al mayor confort del deportista.

 Sportswear, is that we use when we do sports or exercise or simply for convenience. For example, it would be very uncomfortable going to do sport in jeans or heels.
 First of all, you should consider what kind of sport you do, so you can choose the most suitable clothes. Because a suit for someone who makes swimming is not the same as for someone who ski are of different materials and different models, each tailored to the comfort of the athlete.